M S Nishanth

Researcher at F5, India.

I have completed my Masters as ML researcher under the guidance of Prof. J Saketha Nath in the field of Optimisation Problems to solve Optimal Transport with Substructure property. I am interested in Optimization Problems.

I ponder about the tiny speck of dust with Cognizance and the dots of the universe.


  • Programming

    Skilled in Python and able to adapt quickly to new languages. Languages I have used over the years include C++, Rust, Golang, JS, Ansible, PHP.

  • Design Tools

    worked with design tools such as Adobe Ai Pr Ps, Blender.

  • Tools

    Perforce, RBT, Git, Wireshark, Vim, GDB, Pytorch, Jira, Mlflow, Postman.

  • Education

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